Holland Sports Get Fit Club
Oxted, United Kingdom
Health Benefits
Lockdown muscle loss
Five ways to get back in shape

The BBC have posted....

Millions of people missed out on regular exercise and are likely to have lost muscle mass during the Covid-19 pandemic, say experts.

Nearly a third of people believed their general strength had declined, according to a survey for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and Sport England. Almost a quarter (23%) of under-34s said it had dipped, either "a bit" or "a lot", while the figure was higher for those aged over 55.

Muscle loss can lead to long-term problems with mobility and balance. Those in turn can trigger or aggravate a whole range of serious health conditions. Experts say that that those with persistent problems should seek help from a doctor or physiotherapist, but there are things that many people can do to get themselves back in shape.

For more information please follow this link:           https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56887390

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