Holland Sports Get Fit Club
Oxted, United Kingdom
Club News Training Session Invitation
HSGFC - Zoom Exercise class - 2pm Monday 16th Nov
Invitation to all club members

We had a fantastic turnout to our virtual Training Sessions via ZOOM.

This Monday at 2pm we will be doing the same again, with the waiting room open from 1:50.  Lou will be running the session this time, whilst Rachel watches on and gives advice and encouragement!

The link to join the meeting is: 



This should take you straight through but if not, here are the detail: 

Meeting ID: 864 744 7875

Passcode: 202020


As per last week, the session will last 40-45mins including a warm-up & cool-down.  Ideally you will have a space to do some floor work, a chair, a small wall space (where you can stand with your back to the wall!) and any weights (water bottles, cans of tomatoes or dumb bells).  Shoes are optional too! 

See you on-line.

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Health Benefits

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TEAMER is a part of the Pitchero Group

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